Durban International Convention Centre 2-6 July 2007 4th world environmental education congress logo
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Principal Author Full Name*
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this paper/poster and the
person to whom all emails
should be sent
Email Address*
Presenter Full Name
The name of the person
who will attend the
Congress to present the
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Co-author 1 Full Name
Co-authors of the
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Co-author 3 Full Name
Co-author 4 Full Name
Sub Themes*
Please select one
Cultural changes and environmental learning
Environmental education in contexts poverty, risk and vulnerability
Sustainable schools and learning institutions
Environmental education and the WEHAB (Water, Energy, Health, Agriculture, Biodiversity) agenda
Ecological integrity, society and environmental education
Environmental education, policy and curriculum transformations
Environmental education, social justice and socio-ecological change
Research, innovation and evaluation
Globalisation, internationalisation and environmental education
Environmental education in the UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development
Environmental education, ethics and action
Environmental education, training and life-long learning
New learning theory and approaches
Type of Manuscript*
Please select one
Full congress paper
Poster paper
Either a full paper or a poster paper
Workshop (1 hour)
Workshop (2 hour)
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abstract in a word ,
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(10 words), short summary
(40 words) and the
abstract (100 words) in
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